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3Ts Farms, LLC

Offering speciality meats since 2019

-   ABOUT US  -


3Ts Farms is a 25-acre heritage livestock farm (pigs, chickens, goats and turkeys) and cash crop farm owned by Army Veterans, Iteago and Antheena Felton and their daughter Anteaona located in Lincolnton, Georgia. Heritage breeds are traditional breeds of pigs that were raised for food in the past, but their numbers dwindled during the rise of industrial agriculture.  Almost 200 breeds of farm animals have gone extinct worldwide, in the last 14 years. Heritage breeds are better adapted to withstand disease and live in open pastures. They don't need constant doses of antibiotics or temperature-controlled interiors the way that factory farmed animals do.  Some heritage breeds take longer to grow to market weight. These breeds are often more delicious, so the wait is often worth it.  To be considered a heritage breed, an animal has to have unique genetic traits and raised on a sustainable farm.  Our heritage breeds include Mulefoot, Tamworth, Hereford and American Guinea Hog. Heritage breeds have a marbling score of 3-5 allowing for more flavor and juiciness. Our processed meat will only remain in the freezer for no longer than 7 days. We have established our own breeding programs to ensure that our breeds stay pure, and we only purchase heritage hogs from breeders that have registered stock. 3Ts Farms can provide excellent high quality, tasty and safe pork products to consumers thanks to our pure-bred heritage herd genetics and use of pasture seven months of the year.

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